Jackfruit - Artocarpus heterophyllus
Leaf Shapes
Young jackfruits can have rounded or lobed leaves but when they are
mature the leaves are more uniformly elongated.
Jackfruit start to flower they are nearly always male flowers. Male
flowers have thin stems while the females have stems as thick as your
little finger. Male and female flowers are borne in separate
Male flower-heads are on new wood among the leaves
or above the female. They are swollen, oblong, from an inch to four
inches long and up to an inch wide at the widest part. They are pale
green at first, then darken. When mature the head is covered with
yellow pollen that falls rapidly after flowering.
Female heads
appear on short, stout twigs that emerge from the trunk and large
branches or even from the soil-covered base of very old trees. They
look like the male heads but without pollen, and soon begin to swell.
The stalks of both male and female flower-heads are encircled by a
small green ring.
One way to increase the seed set of most fruit
is to spray the very early flower bud stage and the tree in general
with a solution of 1 gram of borax and 1 gram of urea in one litre of
water. Say 5 to 7 litres of this solution.
cooking the seeds, place them on a tray in the sun and turn them
occasionally. The sun will crack the hard husk so you can then remove
the husk and boil the seeds for 30 minutes then salt to taste. They
taste like nutty potatoes and you can also use them for nibbles. If you
don’t crack the hard husk, they will explode and this is caused
by water vapour trying to escape a confined space just like a roasted
chestnut. You could use them as an extra to your stuffing in chicken.
If you fry them after boiling, you could add a little butter, garlic
salt and curry powder.
How to tell
when your Jackfruit is ripe to pick
Jackfruit mature 3 to 8 months from flowering.
dull hollow sound is produced when the fruit is tapped with your
knuckle. If the fruit is too high up to check if it is ripe, slap it
with a long pole to hear that dull sound.
The last leaf of the peduncle yellows.
Fruit spines become well developed and wider spaced and soften.
The spines yield to moderate pressure.
An aromatic odour develops.
Picking time depends on whether the fruit will be used at home or sold.
intended to be eaten soon should be harvested when the rind is fairly
soft, the peduncle leaves turn yellow and the fruit has an aromatic
Fruit intended for sale should be firm with no aroma but the
leaf nearest the fruit must be starting to turn yellow and the spines
set far apart. The flesh at this stage is crispy and pale yellow.
quantity of latex decreases as the fruit ripens. Try to cut a fruit
that is green and you will have latex all over you. Cut into an
over-ripe fruit and there is almost no latex. If you do get the sap on
your hands you can easily get it off using lanoline soap, the kind they
use in industry.
You can also make 3 shallow cuts in the fruit a
few days before you plan to cut it down which will let some of the
latex drain out.
Use rubber surgical gloves and coat knives with olive oil.
ripening, they turn brown and deteriorate rather quickly. Cold storage
trials indicate that ripe fruits can be kept for 3 to 6 weeks at
52° to 55° F and relative humidity of 85% to 95%.
is normally propagated by fresh seed but you can root by cuttings as
well as airlayers and grafted varieties are available. There are two
main varieties. In one, the fruits have small, fibrous, soft, mushy,
but very sweet carpels with a texture somewhat akin to raw oysters. The
other variety is crisp and almost crunchy though not quite as sweet.
Soft Types:
Alba, Black Gold, Cheena, Lemon Fresh, Reliance, Tree Farm
Crisp Types:
Bosworth No. 3, Hew, Honey Gold, Galaxy, Nansi, Ziemen, Yullatin
artocarpi attacks both the developing and ripening fruit
on the tree
and after harvest. Male flower clusters typically develop a fungal rot
following the release of their pollen but under normal conditions this
does not affect the developing fruit. Phytophthora and Fusarium are two
species of fungi which can occur. Root rot is caused by an unhealthy
root system.
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